Have you ever heard of the “Coffee 2050 Problem“? “Good coffee”, an inseparable part of the restaurant business, may not be readily available in the future due to climate change
Japan’s food situation is characterized by low food self-sufficiency and reliance on imports. Child labor in imported foodstuffs is an important issue for restaurants as well. Ingredients supplied by children
On November 20, 2023, “the Sustainable Restaurant Association of Japan (SRA-J) ” held its third annual restaurant sustainability awards, “Food Made Good Japan Awards 2023“, at The Capitol Hotel Tokyu.
The fair trade system is attracting attention as a way to improve the lives and independence of producers and workers in developing countries. Fair trade is a system that provides
The Russian-Ukraine crisis that began in 2021 and the Sudanese conflict that intensified in April 2023 have led to various media reports in Japan about refugees. According to the official
In Japan, surrounded by beautiful and rich seas, “fish” is deeply rooted in the food culture. On the other hand, did you know that the depletion of marine resources has
On 13, 2022, U.S. President Biden signed into law a bill protecting the rights of same-sex marriage by the federal government. The new law officially nullifies “The Defense of Marriage
The Sustainable Restaurant Association of Japan (SRA-J) held the Food Made Good Japan Awards 2022 on November 14, 2022. The Grand Prize and Category Awards were given to restaurants that
From October 11, 2022, deregulation began, including the lifting of the cap on the number of inbound travelers and the lifting of the ban on individual travel, which is being
Release date:November 18, 2022 Last update: January 17, 2023 In October 2019, the New York City Council passed an order banning the production of foie gras, which made headlines around