What is the key to choosing a restaurant, according to people with physical disabilities? A 98.6% repeat rate is also evident.


For people with physical disabilities, it is an important question whether the places they want to visit are barrier-free.

However, it seems that in some cases, local units, and by extension, store units, do not have a good understanding of barrier-free accessibility, including customer service, for people with disabilities. Even if a store is working on barrier-free access, if the measures are inadequate, disabled persons will have no choice but to give up entering the store. In addition, consideration must be given not only to the disabled people themselves, but also to their families, caregivers, and other people involved in supporting them.

And on April 1, 2024, reasonable accommodation under the Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities will become mandatory. As a result, reasonable accommodation by businesses for persons with disabilities will change from an “obligation to make efforts” to an “obligation”. It is important for restaurants, which are used by a variety of people, to be barrier-free after knowing the voices of people with physical disabilities.


Against this backdrop, “Ayumi Institute” that operates a barrier-free certification business, conducted a survey on the criteria that people with physical disabilities use to select stores and their behavior when using stores. An online “survey on store usage by people with physical disabilities” was conducted from November 29 to December 13, 2023, with a total of 214 people with physical disabilities.

Barrier-Free Certification is a service that provides comprehensive support for barrier-free measures in stores and for improving their ability to serve people with disabilities by conducting surveys, examinations, and certification of physical barrier-free and customer service for people with disabilities with physically challenged persons. 85 surveys are conducted to provide advice on customer service and barrier-free measures appropriate to the condition of the store. The service provides advice on how to make stores barrier-free and handicapped-accessible.

Barrier-free Survey

According to the results of a survey conducted by Ayumi Institute, 90.2% of respondents said “they would go to a store if they knew in advance that the store had barrier-free measures in place”. In addition, 95.7% of respondents said “they would like to go back to a store they have used that has barrier-free accessibility measures”. Furthermore, 98.6% of respondents “would like to go back to a store where barriers have been eliminated due to the consideration of the store staff. ”

food loss

Adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015, the SDGs goals include “By 2030, promote the empowerment and social, economic, and political inclusion of all people regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic status, or other circumstances”. Various efforts are underway around the world to realize a “society where no one is left behind”.

According to data from the Cabinet Office, the number of people with physical disabilities amounts to 4.36 million. Based on the results of this survey, it seems that if restaurants practice and disseminate information on barrier-free customer service from the perspective of the people concerned and their relations, it will not only promote the sustainability of the restaurant, but also help to secure repeat customers.

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[Reference Site] The key to differentiation is acceptance of people with disabilities and barrier-free measures
[Reference site] About Ayumi – Ayumi
[Reference Site] Cabinet Office:Reference materials: Situation of people with disabilities

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