Tuna, which is familiar to Japanese people through sushi and sashimi, has recently become a popular food in the United States and other Asian countries. The consumption of fresh tuna

table source 編集部
table source 編集部では、サステナビリティやサーキュラーエコノミー(循環経済)に取り組みたいレストランやホテル、食にまつわるお仕事をされている皆さまに向けて、国内外の最新ニュース、コラム、インタビュー取材記事などを発信しています。On January 1, 2024, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024 occurred, with the epicenter in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture. More than five months after the earthquake, many people
In today’s Japan, the challenges of rapidly declining population and super-aging society have prompted the promotion of “regional development,” in which each region is expected to realize an autonomous and
Octopus is one of the seafood species that is eaten daily in Japan, Europe, and Asia. In November 2021, the UK government added decapods and cephalopods, including octopuses, as “sensitive
“Upcycling” is the process of adding new value to discarded or outdated items and transforming them into another new product. As the world’s population continues to grow, there is concern
Hydrogen energy is attracting attention as an energy source with low environmental impact. On December 11, 2023, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government formulated the “Tokyo Hydrogen Vision,” which introduces the direction
Coffee is an essential beverage on the menus of cafes and restaurants. Coffee is one of the most familiar luxury items, but it is actually facing a critical situation called
Caviar, made from sturgeon eggs, is a luxury food popular as one of the world’s top three delicacies. In recent years, however, sturgeon populations have plummeted due to environmental degradation
Bulk sales is gaining attention as a zero-waste purchasing method. Its characteristic feature is that it is a sustainable sales method that generates no wrapping paper or other waste, since
Disposable chopsticks are used casually in restaurants and other places and disposed of. 98% of the disposable chopsticks we use are imported from overseas. Disposable chopsticks manufactured from wood that